
Yesterday, I used a Chinese herbal powder purchased online to bathe my child’s feet. Subsequently, the child experienced severe itching all over the body, with red and white spots appearing on the skin after scratching. Is this phenomenon related to the herbal powder, and how should it be handled?


Hello, I’m glad to provide you with an answer. Psoriasis of the hands often originates from direct contact transmission of tinea pedis, tinea cruris, and tinea capitis, or from the spread of tinea unguium and psoriasis on the dorsal aspect of the hand. The main pathogen of hand psoriasis is Trichophyton rubrum. To prevent hand psoriasis, attention should be paid to hand hygiene in daily life. It is important to wash hands frequently after touching tinea pedis, and to use medication to treat tinea pedis in order to eliminate the source of infection. It is also recommended to maintain personal hygiene by avoiding the use of public slippers, foot basins, towels, etc., and to regularly disinfect socks and footcloths to keep the feet clean and dry. Additionally, it is advisable to avoid drinking beverages that stimulate sweat gland secretion and excretion to reduce the environmental susceptibility of dermatophytes on the skin.