
My child writes beautifully but slowly, and their writing speed can’t keep up with their classmates. They can’t finish their exams on time. How can I train them to write faster?


Since the child has developed a slow writing speed, they naturally cannot complete tasks within the allotted time. I suggest you relax and gradually increase their writing speed from a slow pace. You can use the ’encouragement method’ to help improve your child’s writing speed. For example, parents can set up a schedule for completing homework, first recording the time it takes for the child to complete the first assignment. When the child completes the second assignment, the parents should encourage them for using less time than the first attempt. Over time, the child’s writing speed will improve unnoticed. In short, there is a reason why your child writes slowly, and parents must be patient in guiding them. Never lose your temper with the child, as the more you shout at them, the slower they will become.