
Mom had aching limbs, a runny nose, and sneezing the other day. She had a slight fever in the afternoon. The next morning, she went to the hospital, and the doctor diagnosed her with infectious flu. On the third day, her 3-year-old baby also started to have a fever, and when she went to the hospital, the doctor said it was also flu. Can Mom and Baby stay together?


Hello, I’m glad to answer your question. According to your description, both Mom and Baby have contracted infectious flu. In this case, they can continue to be in contact without needing to be isolated. However, to help the baby recover quickly, it is recommended to give the baby plenty of water and pay attention to Mom’s dietary habits, avoiding spicy foods, beef and mutton, seafood, and other stimulating food. At the same time, monitor the condition changes and follow the doctor’s advice for medication treatment. If the condition does not improve, please seek medical attention promptly so that the doctor can make specific examinations and medication adjustments based on Mom’s physical condition. Wishing the baby a healthy growth!