
Patient Information: A 9-year-old girl from Changsha, Hunan with the following medical description (onset time, main symptoms, etc.): Advanced bone age prediction, obesity. Desired assistance: Hope to receive book recommendations on this topic, such as nutritional meal planning. When choosing weight loss methods, body weight reduction and dieting should be the primary methods. Oral medication should not be the basis. Common weight loss methods include: 1. Setting weight loss goals; 2. Keeping a diet diary; 3. Drinking more water; 4. Having perseverance and determination; 5. Controlling calories and fats; 6. Eating light foods; 7. Regularly consuming fruits and vegetables; 8. Balancing the diet; 9. Negative calorie balance; 10. Establishing a healthy lifestyle. Lose weight with patience and perseverance.


Childhood obesity is a serious health issue that requires attention to diet and appropriate weight loss methods. Here are some suggestions and approaches:

  1. Set weight loss goals: Determine a reasonable weight loss target, such as reducing a certain amount of weight each week.
  2. Keep a diet diary: Record daily food and exercise situations to help monitor and control calorie intake and nutrition.
  3. Drink more water