
I had a cesarean section at 36 weeks and 3 days, delivering a set of twins—a boy weighing 3.9 pounds and a girl weighing 5.1 pounds. The doctor said the child was premature and the boy had a slight lung inflammation requiring an incubator. Please ask the doctor why our child has been in there for a week and still isn’t allowed out? How long does this condition need to be treated?


Cesarean section preemie with lung infection. If there is lung infection, treatment generally requires 7 to 10 days. Whether the child can be discharged depends on the child’s overall condition, including some improvement in inflammation, normal laboratory indicators, and milk intake reaching a certain standard. Try not to worry too much; relax and try to express more breast milk to feed the baby at the hospital, as this can help the child recover faster. No matter how good formula milk is, it’s not as good as breast milk for the baby.