
My child is 96 centimeters tall and weighs 21.5 kilograms. Is this considered obese? I want to know how many degrees of child obesity there are? How do you calculate the degree of child obesity?


Hello, the formula for calculating a child’s standard weight is age x 28 = kilograms. In medicine, children whose weight exceeds 20% above the average standard weight are considered to have childhood obesity. Depending on the extent of weight exceeding the standard weight, childhood obesity can be categorized as mild obesity, moderate obesity, and severe obesity. Mild obesity refers to a weight exceeding 20% to 29% above the standard weight, moderate obesity refers to a weight exceeding 30% to 49% above the standard weight, and severe obesity refers to a weight exceeding 50% above the standard weight. A child’s degree of obesity can also be related to their parents’ beliefs. For example, among children who are overweight or obese, there are still many parents who believe their child’s weight is normal. Excessive energy intake and insufficient exercise can both lead to obesity.