
Hello everyone, I am 22 years old, and my baby is only 40 days old. She was in good health at birth, but recently, I don’t know why she keeps vomiting. She also likes to strain, and as soon as she strains, the milk she just drank comes out. I don’t know what the reason is. Is there a health issue? I am very worried.


The milk in the stomach naturally flows into the small intestine, which reduces the chance of vomiting compared to feeding the baby lying down. Secondly, after feeding, it is essential to burp the baby: hold the baby upright against your shoulder and gently pat their back to let them burp out the air they inhaled while drinking. Then place the baby on the bed, which makes vomiting less likely. Additionally, it’s not advisable to let the baby lie on their back immediately after feeding; instead, they should be kept on their side for a while before being placed on their back. Moreover, the amount of milk fed should not be excessive, and the intervals should not be too close. If vomiting persists despite correcting feeding methods, it is advisable to have a specific check-up at the hospital.