
My son is 4 years and 9 months old, and he has had anorexia since he started on complementary foods. Now, he is very thin. Trying to starve him for one or two days doesn’t seem to help much, and he doesn’t eat many snacks either. Currently, he drinks 240 milliliters of milk each day, and it’s not a problem of drinking too much milk. What should I do in this situation, experts?


The most common reason for a baby to experience this situation is the late introduction of complementary foods, anemia, a lack of trace elements, or weak spleen and stomach function. Firstly, it is recommended to conduct blood routine tests and trace element tests simultaneously. Correct anemia in a timely manner. Children’s anorexia may be caused by a lack of trace elements! At the same time, children may also experience gastrointestinal discomfort. It is best to check the child’s trace elements, and if necessary, supplement zinc, and then consider giving the child some probiotics to restore the gastrointestinal tract.