
The baby is feeding normally, not crying or fussing, and the stool occasionally has a bit of green color. The baby is premature, and the abdomen has been bloated since 20 days after birth. Laboratory and examination results: intestinal bloating, past treatment and effects.


I believe your baby’s abdominal distension is caused by dyspepsia. Since the gastrointestinal function of infants is not yet fully developed, it is easy to experience dyspepsia. I suggest giving your baby oral probiotics and intestinal health supplements, increasing water intake, feeding breast milk in small amounts and more frequently, avoiding overeating. At the same time, the mother’s diet should mainly consist of light and easily digestible foods, avoiding cold, hard, and spicy foods that are stimulating. You can also apply a warm compress to your baby’s abdomen, but be sure to avoid burns and keep the abdomen warm. I hope my answer can be of some help.