
A 12-month-old male infant has recently shown a decrease in appetite and a change in sleep pattern, from waking up every 2 hours to every 4.5 hours. What might be the reasons for this situation?


Firstly, consider the possibility of dyspepsia. It is recommended to use pepsin granules in combination with children to enhance appetite and promote digestion and absorption. If there is abdominal distension, consider combining with caraway stomachic external use. At the same time, it is suggested to use probiotics to regulate intestinal flora and pair it with spleen and pancreas granules to strengthen the transportation function of the spleen and stomach. Additionally, you can try giving the baby a clockwise abdominal massage to improve symptoms. In the follow-up, if coughing or other symptoms appear, consider their relevance to the current situation. In this case, active hospitalization treatment is a better choice.