
Basic Information: 4-year-old female patient, with eyelid external ulcer symptoms, unsure if it’s chalazion or meibomian gland cyst. Has been draining pus for a month, leaving a small lump, soft 0.5cm. Doctor suggests anti-inflammatory treatment instead of surgery, is it effective?


Both chalazion and meibomian gland cysts present as small lumps under the eyelids. Chalazion often accompanies suppurative inflammation with redness, swelling, heat, and pain; while meibomian gland cysts are non-suppurative inflammation and usually do not cause pain or swelling. However, it is difficult to differentiate between chalazion and meibomian gland cyst infections. It is recommended to seek medical advice from a regular hospital, to implement corresponding treatment based on diagnosis, and to follow professional guidance in handling the condition.