
A 9.5-year-old girl (born on September 9, 2003) is 145.7 centimeters tall. On December 1 of the previous year, she showed signs of menarche but it did not persist. Compared to children of the same age, her height is at the 80 to 90th percentile. How should the treatment plan for this case of precocious puberty be formulated?


Based on your description, the girl’s menarche before the age of 10 meets the diagnostic criteria for precocious puberty. The previous doctor’s advice may have been correct, that currently, suppressing adolescence may no longer be appropriate, and consideration should be given to the use of growth hormones. The use of growth hormones may help promote height growth and improve symptoms of precocious puberty. However, the specific treatment plan should be formulated by a professional medical practitioner based on the girl’s specific condition, and it is recommended to seek further professional medical advice.