
Dear Doctor, my child is 9 years old and I have noticed her breasts growing significantly. Lately, she has been losing hair heavily as well. No treatment has been administered yet. I would like to seek assistance: I would like to ask if this is a sign of early puberty? Should we go to the hospital? Which department should we see?


Hello, breast development typically begins between the ages of 8-12. Initially, the breast tissue and the surrounding protective fat tissue form a small button-like bump around the areola (the nipple area) in the breast and its surroundings (the bud stage). Afterward, the nipple begins to enlarge, and the areola gradually expands and darkens. By around 14-15 years old, breast development becomes more pronounced with the breasts visibly protruding. A 9-year-old girl’s breast development is a normal part of growth and generally does not require concern. However, if you are worried, you can consider visiting an endocrinology department for a check-up. This is my suggestion for the question “Is a 9-year-old girl’s breast development a sign of early puberty?” I hope it is helpful to you, and wish you good health!