
An eight-year-old boy has been bedwetting almost every night. The parents have tried traditional Chinese medicine treatment for nearly two months, but there has been no improvement. Which hospital in Suzhou specializes in treating enuresis, and which department should they visit?


Bedwetting in children may be due to incomplete physical development, leading to an unstable urinary reflex arc, or because of underdeveloped bladder sphincters. From a traditional Chinese medicine perspective, this condition may be related to insufficient middle qi, unstable kidney qi, and weak absorption. It is usually improved after the body’s condition improves. It is recommended that parents take their child to the hospital for a comprehensive examination to rule out urinary tract inflammation, stones, or other potential symptoms. If the examination results are normal, consider using traditional Chinese medicine adjustment or applying Buzhong Yiqi Pills for treatment, as these methods may have a good effect.