
A 2-month-old baby has excessive heat, with some intestines showing gas, and there are more gas feces in the colon. Will breastfeeding affect the child? How can the severity of dampness be checked? Can the baby’s consumption of compound lactic acid bacterium tablets and Simo decoction oral liquid help reduce the heat?


It’s possible that the baby’s intestines have gas, or they are too hot and damp, leading to constipation and difficulty in defecation. This condition can be resolved with the Simo decoction oral liquid, which may also work for others. When breastfeeding, it’s crucial for the mother not to consume spicy foods and drinks to avoid severe constipation. Follow-up: My adult is also very irritable and constipated. What should I do? This affects the baby, making it difficult for breastfed infants to sleep, causing them to cry frequently, and severe vomiting is also common. They also caught a cold. What should I do! The compound lactic acid bacterium tablets and Simo decoction oral liquid should not be taken for a long time. How should treatment be administered? There is no time limit for complete treatment. It is recommended to use traditional Chinese medicine for treatment.