
A child often struggles to concentrate during class, easily gets distracted, and is not focused on the classroom content. Their behavior appears overly active with constant movement of hands and feet. Does this behavior pattern suggest that the child might have ADHD?


ADHD, or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, primarily manifests as inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsive behaviors. Parents and teachers should approach the child’s behavior with patience, care, and love. In the home and at school, discipline should be used to address negative behaviors, and encouragement and rewards should be given when the child makes progress in behavioral therapy. Avoid imposing emotional stress or corporal punishment, and provide more specific guidance for children with learning difficulties. Establish regular living habits and continuously boost their self-confidence. If there is a suspicion that the child has ADHD, it is recommended to seek the diagnosis and advice of a professional doctor.