
My child is in the second grade. During kindergarten, the teacher had already reported the child’s hyperactivity. Now that they have moved up to the second grade, the child seems even more restless, often squatting or sitting directly on the ground, and frequently does not follow instructions in group activities. Is this a sign of ADHD?


ADHD is commonly observed in children before or during their school age, characterized by attention deficits, persistent fidgeting, emotional volatility, easy conflicts with others, and learning difficulties. Based on your description, the child’s behavior indeed appears to be consistent with ADHD symptoms, but further observation is needed. It is recommended to monitor the child continuously for two months and provide appropriate psychological counseling during this period. If the hyperactive behavior persists, consider seeking medication treatment. However, unless the child exhibits extreme ADHD symptoms, one should not easily regard a child’s lively and active nature as ADHD.