
What are the symptoms of cerebral palsy in premature babies? What factors may lead to cerebral palsy in premature babies?


Cerebral palsy has a significant impact on the health of infants, and active treatment is required to restore health. Cerebral palsy can be divided into three stages: prenatal, intrapartum, and postpartum. The cerebral palsy in premature babies can reflect the normal development of the brain. Physical examinations of children should observe for any motor impairments, language impairments, or limb impairments. Cerebral palsy is categorized into spastic, atonic, and ataxic types. Spastic cerebral palsy manifests as a child walking with a scissor gait. Ataxic cerebral palsy is characterized by cerebellar imbalance. Hand-foot dyskinesia-type cerebral palsy is similar to hyperactivity disorder. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial for improving the condition.