
What are the symptoms of cerebral palsy in premature babies?


The symptoms of cerebral palsy in premature babies include the following aspects:

  1. Reduced motor activity and decreased active movement. Normal infants can lift their heads when lying on their stomachs at 3 months and kick their legs when lying on their backs, but cerebral palsy patients rarely have such movements. Normal children can reach out and touch objects actively at 4 to 5 months old, but cerebral palsy children have less arm movement.
  2. Abnormal muscle tone. The muscle tone of cerebral palsy children may be lower or higher than that of normal children.
  3. Posture abnormalities. Cerebral palsy children often have tilted heads and unstable sitting postures after 6 months, with legs clenched together.
  4. Reflex abnormalities. A normal child’s head position suddenly drops