
My child is very lively, unable to settle down, and very busy everywhere. He can only calm down when sleeping, but as soon as he wakes up, he starts moving around, with his hands and feet restless. Even during meals, he fidgets. If he’s asked to sit still for a moment, he cries and fusses. Could my child have ADHD?


Children are naturally lively, and some may be more introverted, so they may not be as active. However, if a child is outgoing, they may appear more restless. It cannot be concluded that a child has ADHD just because they are more active. If parents are very worried, they can take their child to the pediatric neurology department of a children’s hospital for a brain dissection examination. In the current situation of the child, it is recommended to undergo an examination as soon as possible and follow the doctor’s advice for treatment, as this will yield better results.