
My baby has been having loose, watery stools for two months. A stool test revealed a weak positive for rotavirus, and after half a month, the stool still tested weak positive for rotavirus along with a slight positive for occult blood. By the third month, the stool became thicker with some foam and a bit of pus. What should I do, and does this pus indicate a transformation into something else?


Based on your description, your baby’s physical development appears normal, and the issue is not severe. For physiological digestive system diseases, it is recommended to start with adjusting the intestinal microenvironment, taking probiotics, ensuring warmth and ventilation, feeding reasonably, and then observing. Most of these cases are caused by colds or viral infections, and persistent diarrhea can also lead to poor growth and development in children. Severe diarrhea can be treated with medication or intravenous fluids under a doctor’s guidance.