
The New Year is just around the corner, and yesterday, the child’s uncle took the child out to play. They played for a long time, and it was very cold outside. After coming back, this morning, the child showed symptoms of diarrhea and a runny nose, and the child also seemed to lack energy. Is the child’s diarrhea and runny nose caused by a cold?


Based on the situation you described, it may not necessarily be caused by a cold. Don’t assume that just because the child has a runny nose, it’s a cold, and start giving them medication. This is unscientific. If the child is just having clear runny nose without fever or other discomforts, if the congestion is not severe and does not affect the child’s eating or sleeping, it may be due to air irritation. If there is more runny nose but no discomfort, you can give the child more warm water to drink and use warm water of about 50 degrees Celsius to apply heat compresses to the child. Do this several times, and the mucus will naturally come out.