
A 3-year-old girl is experiencing symptoms of a cold, cough, and fever. She started running a fever last night and after taking medication, her temperature rose again to 39 degrees today. After another dose of medication, she still had not cooled down and was subsequently treated with an injection and prescribed a lozenges. However, the instructions for the lozenges indicate that they should not be used during a cold. The girl currently has clear nasal discharge. Is it appropriate for her to take this lozenge?


Problem Analysis: It is recommended to drink plenty of water, increase the intake of vegetables and fruits to ensure sufficient vitamin intake, and avoid spicy and stimulating as well as greasy foods. The diet should mainly consist of light and easy-to-digest foods. Advice: It is not advisable to use the lozenges before the cold has healed. Consider using cold medication and anti-inflammatory drugs for treatment, and continue to take the medication on time. Please follow medical instructions and wish for a speedy recovery.