
The three-month-old baby is unwilling to breastfeed or take a bottle, but will suckle when drowsy during sleep. This situation has persisted for two weeks, and the baby was born on December 2nd, and is about to turn four months old.


The baby’s aversion to breastfeeding could be caused by various factors, such as physical discomfort, teething, or an excessive amount of complementary foods. If these reasons are ruled out and the baby’s mental state is good, it may be a common physiological nursing strike for babies between 3 to 5 months old. As the baby’s vision and hearing develop, curiosity about the surrounding environment may affect their interest in feeding. It is recommended to keep the feeding environment quiet and as dark as possible during feeding, adopt a method of small and frequent feedings, and take advantage of the baby’s drowsiness before sleep to feed more often, ensuring that the baby receives the daily required milk intake.