
My baby is nine months old, and I have been breastfeeding her. However, I feel that the breast milk no longer has enough nutrition, and she neither eats solid food nor drinks milk. I am desperate and hope a doctor can come up with a solution. Thank you.


If your baby doesn’t want to eat, it might be due to internal heat. Give your baby more water, and increase the intake of vegetables and fruits. You can also give your baby some Children’s Qixing Tea. Additionally, if your baby has been eating too much refined rice and flour for a long time, it can lead to a deficiency of Vitamin B1 and lysine, causing slower gastrointestinal motility, bloating, reduced secretion of digestive juices, and decreased appetite. You can give your baby some Abbott’s Vita-Lite or lysine glycinate oral liquid to boost appetite. Pay attention to a reasonable combination of coarse and fine grains in everyday meals.