
I had consulted a traditional Chinese medicine doctor for “milk jaundice” and received about 6 months of treatment, which slightly improved the condition. Recently, due to the kindergarten physical examination, my child’s weight and height were not up to standard, so I went back to the Chinese medicine doctor. The doctor said it was a pediatric anorexia caused by spleen and stomach weakness.


Children may experience anorexia, picky eating, and a lack of appetite due to factors such as dietary habits, environmental factors, and deficiencies in trace elements. A child’s playfulness and initiative can affect their eating situation, so it is important to educate them rationally, play moderately, avoid overindulgence, and do not force them to eat too much. Make food colorful, aromatic, and tasty to attract their appetite. Do not allow children to eat snacks or puffed and fried foods on a regular basis to avoid affecting the consumption of staple foods. Appropriately supplementing zinc can help increase the sensitivity of taste buds, thereby increasing appetite.