
I have multiple sores on my head that have improved after some time of treatment but then recurred. After a routine blood test at the hospital, it was diagnosed as a bacterial infection. Although the sores are small in number, they are accompanied by yellow pus, causing pain and recurring episodes. How should I deal with this situation?


The “sores” you described may refer to red, small blisters on the skin with pus-filled tips. This could be neonatal boils, a condition that can easily lead to sepsis and is often associated with overwrap of infants. It is advised to avoid wrapping infants too tightly. If the sores on the scalp are larger in area, with diameters exceeding three millimeters, it may be considered as a tumor or another type of sore, which requires anti-infection treatment. If fever symptoms occur, be highly alert to the possibility of sepsis, which needs immediate treatment. May I inquire about the services of your local hospital?