
A boy, 4 years old, initially complained of pain when swallowing, and it was noticed that his voice was a bit hoarse when speaking, and he also had a slight fever and seemed lackluster. What are the common clinical manifestations of pediatric tonsillitis?


If a child indeed has tonsillitis, the initial symptom is usually throat pain, which may cause the child to be restless and unable to swallow. Besides throat pain, some children may experience fever, which could be either a persistent low-grade fever or a high-grade fever reaching 40 degrees Celsius. Accompanying symptoms of high fever include chills, fatigue, and headaches. Upon close observation, the child’s tonsils may appear red and swollen. If the condition persists, it may lead to serious complications such as sepsis and acute rheumatic fever. Pediatric tonsillitis is a serious disease, and it is recommended that parents take it seriously and seek medical treatment for their child early on.