
A parent reported that their child has been suffering from recurrent tonsillitis for many years, and the doctor recommended a tonsillectomy, but there is disagreement within the family. What are the effects of tonsillitis on the body, and is it necessary to have regular outbreaks?


The treatment of tonsillitis depends on whether the infection source is bacterial or viral. Viral infections usually do not require intravenous fluids and can be treated symptomatically; if it is a bacterial infection, oral antibiotics can be considered. It is recommended to have a diet mainly consisting of light and easily digestible foods, avoiding spicy and stimulating foods. Currently, if there is tonsillar redness, you can take antiviral granules or Budelia oral liquid, and increase fluid intake. Tonsillitis can indeed have an impact on the patient’s quality of life, so once symptoms appear, it is important to seek medical attention and follow professional treatment advice.