
A parent noticed that their three-year-old child seemed weak while eating, struggling to swallow, with faint or sharp cries, and frequently falling while walking. The child also responded slowly to calls. The parent is worried that the child might have cerebral palsy.


In fact, children may exhibit a variety of symptoms in the early stages, including: soft body, weakness or rigidity in limbs; difficulty initiating movement at an angle, low or excessive movement; weak suckling, difficulty swallowing, or often becoming limp during eating, vomiting milk; instructions: The baby’s mouth cannot close well, with weak or sharp cries; by two to three months old, still not smiling, not lifting the head, continuing to cry, fingers clenched, not opening; by four to five months old, unable to roll over; by eight months old, unable to sit, and even unable to grasp objects or put hands in the mouth. In addition, intellectual development may also be delayed.