
A six-week premature newborn, who has been living in an incubator since birth, still has a total bilirubin level of 216, with a severe jaundice condition. How should one address the issue of persistent high jaundice in newborns?


ABO hemolytic phenomena may still occur based on the blood types of the mother and the baby. Although the skin yellowing has receded after blue light therapy, hemolysis in the blood continues to produce jaundice, resulting in an overall not obvious jaundice regression. It is recommended to conduct a detailed hemolytic test, including the detection of hemolytic antibodies in the blood, to confirm whether it is neonatal hemolytic disease. Focus on blue light therapy, and if confirmed as hemolytic, consider treatment methods such as intravenous immunoglobulin to block antibodies. For severe newborn jaundice, it is strongly recommended to seek medical attention immediately.