
What are the symptoms of pediatric allergic rhinitis?


The symptoms of pediatric allergic rhinitis include the following aspects:

  • Avoid smoking, alcohol, and irritants.
  • Pay attention to personal and environmental hygiene.
  • Participate in physical exercise regularly to enhance resistance and be mindful of preventing colds.
  • Keep the living space well-ventilated and maintain a certain humidity level.
  • Maintain a regular diet and lifestyle, avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, and spicy foods, and eat more fruits and vegetables.
  • While treating pediatric allergic rhinitis promptly, patients should maintain a positive attitude to facilitate timely symptomatic treatment.
  • Pay attention to self-nutrition care, observe a balanced diet, and supplement body nutrition in a timely manner. I hope these suggestions can help you. Wishing you a quick recovery from the discomfort of pediatric allergic rhinitis.