
Does neonatal jaundice affect a child’s future cognitive development?


A 10-day-old baby with a bilirubin level of 16. Generally, if there are no complications such as hyperbilirubinemia encephalopathy, it will not have an impact on the baby’s cognitive development. It is recommended to consider the baby’s overall condition comprehensively. If there are no other abnormalities, it should not affect cognitive development. However, if symptoms such as cough and fever are present, it is likely to be a lung infection, and treatment for anti-infection and pulmonary care should be provided. Neonatal jaundice poses a very high risk to patients, and once symptoms appear, medical treatment should be sought promptly. It is also important to pay attention to dietary issues; it is recommended to consume light foods. It is hoped that neonatal jaundice patients can receive professional treatment.