
An 8-month-old baby often vomits when fed too much or with drier food, and the amount of vomiting is not much. Is this condition related to the baby’s diagnosed swallowing syndrome at birth? Additionally, the baby frequently experiences the phenomenon of eating what they pass, and the stool has a sour smell. Do parents need to take the baby to the doctor? How should they care for the baby on a daily basis?


Infants have relatively fragile gastrointestinal functions. If they overeat, exceeding the digestive capacity of the gastrointestinal tract, it may lead to stool with a sour smell. It is recommended to avoid overfeeding during feeding and to adopt a method of small meals more frequently to promote digestion and absorption. Parents should closely monitor the baby’s diet and lifestyle, and make timely adjustments if there are any changes in the smell, color, or texture of the stool. If the stool…