
Doctor, hello. My baby just turned one, and suddenly started having diarrhea every day, and their appetite has decreased as well. What could be the cause? Is it a problem with the intestines? What are the causes of child diarrhea? I hope you can explain in detail. Thank you.


The causes of child diarrhea include catching a cold, overeating or eating too much greasy food, acute gastroenteritis, and viral infections. You can use Dinggui Er umbilical plaster, which contains clove, cinnamon, and star anise as its main ingredients. It has a fragrant aroma and can strengthen the spleen and stomach, warm the middle-jiao, and relieve diarrhea. It can be used to treat symptoms of child diarrhea and abdominal pain. If necessary, please seek medical attention promptly and have a stool test to determine the exact cause.