
An eight-month-old male infant underwent a trace element test, showing a calcium level of 1.62 and a zinc level of 82.8. The parents hope to understand which medication should be chosen to supplement calcium and zinc. Additionally, the child wakes up once every one to two hours after midnight, resulting in poor sleep quality.


Children with calcium deficiency may experience crying at night. It is recommended to prioritize obtaining calcium, zinc, and other nutrients from natural foods, as this is a natural way to supplement various nutrients. Foods rich in calcium include milk, cheese, eggs, soy products, seaweed, nori, shrimp shells, sesame seeds, hawthorn, seafood, and vegetables. Foods high in zinc include seafood, meats, animal livers, and eggs. Parents can prepare these calcium and zinc-rich foods in a form suitable for the baby, such as vegetable puree, minced meat, fish puree, and tofu.