
A premature baby experienced developmental delays and difficulty swallowing. A post-mortem CT scan confirmed cerebral palsy, accompanied by seizure symptoms. How can cerebral palsy be treated to promote improvement in the condition? What are the treatment methods for cerebral palsy?


Currently, cerebral palsy is difficult to cure completely. However, appropriate treatment methods can still help control and alleviate the condition. When treating cerebral palsy and other neurological disorders, it is recommended to use traditional Chinese medicine treatment to achieve the goal of alleviating the patient’s condition. Although it is challenging to recover to normal levels, treatment can aid in further rehabilitation for the patient. Treatment methods include: increasing joint mobility, regulating muscle tone, improving motor control, coordination, strength, and endurance, as well as enhancing self-care abilities. Common techniques include: position therapy, soft tissue stretching, muscle tone regulation, functional active exercise training, muscle strength and endurance training, and balance and…