
My baby has webbed hands, and now when I talk to him, he laughs, but he doesn’t locate the sound source, he chews on his hands, and he rolls onto his side. He’s also very cute. I had a low-risk Down syndrome screening during pregnancy. Could the baby with webbed hands be a Down syndrome child?


A baby’s hands are well connected, and the Down syndrome screening during pregnancy was low-risk. Do not exclude the guidance for Down syndrome children: the baby’s condition can show whether there is a missing little finger or a curved segment, or a chromosome test to confirm the diagnosis. Trisomy 21 generally has features such as a low bridge of the nose, low ear position, wide eyes, and a short neck. Generally speaking, it may be identified through the palm or not. Children have distinctive facial features. Experienced doctors can tell from their faces. The diagnosis of Trisomy 21 requires a chromosome test.