
The female infant is 10 months old but has sparse hair and has not reached normal standards in all aspects of development. What could be the reasons for the sparse hair? How should we understand the phenomenon of sparse hair in newborns?


Based on your description, it is suggested that you should not worry excessively. Firstly, the genetic tendency of hair is quite obvious, with significant individual differences. The number, color, and texture of hair are closely related to the genetic makeup of parents. If the parents have good-quality hair, their children’s hair usually turns out to be better; conversely, if not. Secondly, the amount of hair at birth does not directly correlate with future hair condition. The growth of an infant’s hair is similar to physical development, with some growing faster or slower, earlier or later. With physical growth, most children’s hair gradually becomes denser and darker from sparse to thick. A large number of cases show that hair thinning occurs between 1 and 2 years old.