
A baby over six months old is experiencing symptoms of a cold and fever, which have persisted for three days. After a detailed examination at the hospital, it was confirmed to be a viral infection accompanied by bronchitis. Initially, there was only mild coughing and fever. However, in the past two days, the coughing has intensified, accompanied by throat pain, affecting sleep. There is also a large amount of phlegm in the throat, and intermittent high fever occurs. Although medication has been taken, the symptoms have not improved and have even worsened. Is it necessary to change the medication?


Based on the description, viral infections in infants are prone to recurrent symptoms. During this period, anti-inflammatory drugs and antiviral medications should be used, and antipyretics should be administered when the body temperature does not exceed 38.5 degrees. If the baby’s symptoms are severe, close observation is required to prevent the development of pneumonia. If there is no improvement in symptoms after five days of medication, consider changing to other medications. During the treatment process, parents should pay attention to the baby’s dietary adjustment, maintain regular routines, and