
A parent inquired whether it is suitable to give their baby pumpkin and millet congee when the baby has been suffering from a cold for half a month.


Based on the description, the baby’s symptoms may be related to pediatric viral diarrhea. In this case, it is crucial not to delay medical treatment and to seek immediate medical attention for routine stool tests to confirm the diagnosis. Considering the current season, it may be due to an intestinal virus infection. It is recommended to use children’s diarrhea stop granules, which have the effects of clearing heat, drying dampness, and firming the intestines to stop diarrhea. They are suitable for damp-heat internal syndrome in pediatric diarrhea, with symptoms including loose stools, accompanied by fever, abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. For treatment, it is suggested to adopt antiviral and supportive therapy, control diet, and pay attention to fluid intake.