
The boy is 15 years old, self-motivated, and has good academic performance. However, he has difficulty concentrating after practicing for a while, becomes extremely restless, has a strong urge for sexual activity, cannot tightly clench his fists, feels weak, gets hot, and also experiences eye fatigue, frequent blinking, weakness, and lack of energy. Taking a break to walk outside helps a bit, but it’s not effective. He wants to move around intensely; as a child, he even trembled. Sometimes he feels particularly guilty because he really wanted to practice but couldn’t. He hasn’t paid attention before but recently he doubts whether there is something wrong with him.


This condition may be due to long-term sexual exhaustion leading to kidney Yin and Yang deficiency. It could also be related to heart and spleen deficiency, insufficient nourishment of the heart and mind, or the spirit not being contained. It is recommended to take the Five Seed Pill for Yin and Yang replenishment to nourish the body, along with the Guipi Pill for benefiting the heart and spleen, calming the mind, and strengthening the will. Pay attention to lifestyle, avoid overexertion, quit or control sexual activity, relieve stress, and eat less spicy food. The treatment for ADHD varies depending on the patient’s condition and requires medical examination for diagnosis and symptomatic treatment.