
A three-month-old male infant has been experiencing persistent diarrhea. He has been on medication for half a month, during which his stools have been eggshell-like. The doctor suspects lactose intolerance and recommends switching to lactose-free formula milk. Two days later, the stools improved to a rice-pulp consistency and he defecates one to two times a day. One week later, the front part of the stool became hard while the latter part remained pulpy, with no milk residue. Concerned about constipation, the baby has gradually started to switch back to the original formula milk. Initially, the stool condition was still acceptable, but recently it has turned back into an eggshell-like consistency. How should this situation be handled?


Hello, based on the changes in the color and shape of your baby’s stool as described, an initial consideration is dyspepsia, but viral infection cannot be ruled out. It is recommended to combine clinical symptoms for diagnosis, and if necessary, visit a hospital for routine blood and stool tests for confirmation, and treatment will be based on the results. In daily life, it is important to keep the abdomen warm, avoid catching a cold, and maintain regular and hygienic eating habits, avoiding cold, spicy, and other stimulating foods.