
When should newborns be exposed to sunlight in autumn to treat jaundice? If a baby’s face appears slightly red and swollen due to prolonged sun exposure, but there is no peeling, what impact does this have on the baby’s future skin?


During the treatment of newborn jaundice, it is recommended to expose the baby to sunlight for 30 to 40 minutes daily, divided into two sessions. The best times are before 10 a.m. and after 4 p.m., and it should be done on windless days. While exposing the baby to sunlight, try to allow the baby’s skin to be exposed to natural light, including the face and hands, but avoid direct sunlight into the eyes. Additionally, you can give the baby water moderation. If the baby’s jaundice level is high, medication may be required for treatment. As for the long-term effects of sunburn on a baby’s skin, under normal circumstances, if there is no peeling and proper care is taken, the impact should be minimal. However, it is advisable…