A five-month-old baby has been running a fever for a full day with no decrease in temperature. Over the past three days, the baby has taken the pediatric paracetamol and chlorphenamine granules three times, but the fever has not decreased at night, prompting a visit to the hospital for a routine blood test. The doctor said the test results were normal. How should this situation be handled?
In a resting state, the normal armpit body temperature range for humans is between 36℃ and 37.4℃. Typically, body temperature is relatively higher between 1 pm and 6 pm, and relatively lower between 1 am and 6 am. Infants have a larger range of temperature changes, which is related to their underdeveloped thermoregulatory center. For your situation, it is recommended to primarily take physical cooling measures, ensure the baby has enough rest, and