
How should parents assess a child’s growth situation in terms of the development standards and performance of three-month-old infants? What should be done if a child’s height and weight are below the average level?


During infancy, weight and height are important indicators for assessing growth and development. Generally, the average height of a three-month-old female infant is about 58.5 to 63.7 centimeters, with a weight of approximately 5.0 to 6.9 kilograms. If a child’s height and weight are below this average level, it may indicate developmental abnormalities caused by malnutrition. It is recommended to conduct blood routine tests, liver function tests, as well as assessments of growth hormone and thyroid hormone secretion to determine the cause of slow growth. At the same time, nutritional supplementation should be strengthened to ensure that the child receives adequate nutrition to support healthy growth.