
My child is 7 years old this year, and recently I noticed some hard lumps in their breasts, which are slightly painful to the touch. I took them to the local hospital, and the doctor said they are developing. At such a young age, what should I do?


Based on the described situation, this appears to be a sign of precocious puberty. Precocious puberty refers to the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics before the age of sexual development, including breast development, the appearance of pubic and armpit hair, rapid growth in height and weight, and the development of external genitalia. It is generally believed that girls can be diagnosed with precocious puberty if they develop secondary sexual characteristics before the age of 8 or if they start menstruating before the age of 10. In boys, the onset of puberty can be diagnosed before the age of 10. Further examination is needed to determine whether it is true precocious puberty or pseudo-precocious puberty.