
My son is 6 years old, and he has recently started to feel a sore throat, with his voice sounding hoarse, and he has a bit of a fever and is not feeling well. What are the common symptoms of tonsillitis in children?


The tonsils are located in the throat area, so one of the most obvious symptoms of tonsillitis in children is a sore throat and difficulty swallowing. The child may also have a slight fever, even up to 40 degrees Celsius, which requires attention. In addition to the fever, the child may experience chills and fatigue. At this time, the tonsils usually appear red and swollen, mainly due to congestion caused by inflammation. If not treated promptly, tonsillitis may further affect the heart and kidneys, leading to conditions such as myocarditis and nephritis. Therefore, pediatric tonsillitis is a serious condition that must be detected and treated early.