
Last night, I accidentally dropped a seed into the baby’s mouth while squeezing a pomegranate. My hand wasn’t steady, and the seed fell into the baby’s mouth and was swallowed. We then tried to feed him pomegranate juice to help him swallow it, but later thought of feeding him breast milk instead. What if a three-month-old baby accidentally swallows pomegranate seeds?


If the baby is not experiencing any discomfort now, generally, there won’t be much impact once it reaches the gastrointestinal tract, as it can be expelled with stool. It is recommended to give the baby more water and a light diet, and to avoid giving the baby hard foods such as peanuts, soybeans, and sunflower seeds, to prevent the baby from accidentally swallowing them into the trachea, which can easily lead to suffocation and is very dangerous. So, there should be no issue; you can rest assured. Just be cautious in the future.