
Last time when my period arrived, I had a headache and fever due to washing my hair. This time, my period is accompanied by a headache again. What could be the cause of this? Is it very serious? Moreover, why didn’t I have headaches during my previous periods, and will this situation continue?


Headaches can have various causes, common ones including insufficient rest or tension-type headaches, which may also be caused by diseases such as hypertension, cerebral thrombosis, insufficient cerebral blood supply, or vascular malformations. Acute infections leading to fever, such as the common cold or pneumonia, can also cause headaches. Additionally, cervical spondylosis may lead to neck and head pain. Taking certain medications or having had a trauma could also be reasons for headaches. It is recommended that you go to the hospital for an MRI of the head and other tests to clarify the diagnosis before further treatment is pursued.